
Guardian report of the provision for students protests Persian date 13 Aban Guardian newspaper in Britain published story titled "Back to the Iranian students to street protests" the provision of extensive student protests in Iran for Persian date 13 Aban reported and wrote, students across Iran are planning a large day protest against Ahmadinejad's government on anniversary of U.S. Embassy in Tehran to form. The newspaper wrote, the police chief has warned protestors Nyaynd the streets, but activists predict that the Persian date 13 Aban is one of the largest days of protest. The Guardian wrote, in recent weeks despite the widespread presence of the police, universities have become the focus protests. Opposition in the schools is expressed. According to a teacher in Tehran protest movement has spread everywhere. Students in any way they can show their opposition. The newspaper wrote that these days government officials will be visiting universities, the students pounder response are encountered. An Amir Kabir University students who refused to reveal his name, said officials fear the student movement and therefore have time to to suppress protests Persian date 13 Aban prepare. This student said, not off protests in Iran, this new work is started

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