
Political prisoners ahead of a gallows was Center of political prisoners in Iran (in exile) to report news sources in Kurdistan, Ehsan death Ftahyan political prisoners imprisoned in Sanandaj central prison on Wednesday the twenty-Persian date Aban 1388 to November 2009 with eleven carried will be. Bnabh report resources, a lawyer is said Ehsan Wednesday morning will attend the prison to witness his execution is Mvklsh. Ehsan Ftahyan is from Kermanshah. He in August this year by security forces in Kamyaran was arrested. First trial in November was held in Sanandaj, to ten years in prison and exile Ramhormoz was sentenced to prison. To protest the verdict, Ehsan to file appeal was referred to Kurdistan. Appeals court revoked the prison sentence for his charges in the group PJAK Date of death issued. Islamic regime in all its always the rule of fear and awareness of his political opponents and the masses Rise is spent. In all this time to overcome his fear, to create fear in society through repression and murder is paid. The recent uprising, survival of the regime of sleep to his eyes kills rulers, and hence to steer back the spirit of mass protest, repression and mass range of streets and plans to expand the death machine again to political prison pockets. Center of political prisoners in Iran (in exile) on death (execution) the state murder and violating human life and sees this act of crime against partiality and any excuse and reason and hence to fight for its cancellation. Abolishing capital punishment against the inhuman system of government repression, the struggle against the totality of the Islamic Republic does not separate. Only intensified the struggle against the regime and it can be Vqvanyn Zdbshry lives of the vampires clutches of crime Karan ruling saved

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