
The fifth issue execution for defendants after the election protests Human Rights Committee - Reza Khademi that day in June 23 Pdrysh home in Tehran Afsryh was arrested by the Revolutionary Court Branch 15 Judge Salavati has been sentenced to death. Khademi charges that "membership in the People's Mojahedin" and "the presence of disturbances and conduct the people" had tried in the trial having been denied lawyers is optional. Charges above the Khademi entered while he detained a day after the election and essentially involvement in popular protests after the election is not. Since the sentence has been served his family. Is said to document this ruling, the photograph of him taken in the streets and create chaos has been based. Name Reza Khademi public courts in the initial indictment as "members of MKO" is given. Reza Khademi with family poor living in the neighborhood Afsryh lives. His father is a cardiovascular disease and one is lost Klyhhaysh. Khademi populous family consists of 6 sisters and parents are old and disabled. Reza Khademi execution issued while that before, too, four the defendants the names of events after the election, MR Lyzmany, Arash Rhmanypvr, Abdol Nasser Hamed Rvhynzhad the court and were sentenced to death.

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