
Tkandhndh A student detention and torture in detention, he AUT: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad after more than a month how the kidnapping and brutal beating their recounted. You. G. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad on 23 July in Tehran by Pvnk forces kidnapped and beaten after he and his vilification by the vulgar hand and foot depending on the location of data transfer is unspecified. Uniformed military and detained without any visitors in addition to any arrest warrant beat him brutally, sometimes unspecified detention was transfer the information of where he is. This student after a week of detention in Evin prison Unknown are transferred and in all his detention in solitary confinement has been taken. Despite the deep wound and a fracture of the area and fingers, his treatment by prison officials to the prison doctor did not. All during his interrogation with the blind has been interrogated. Bazjvyany also the case Nqabhayy have black bars on him horribly beaten severely, and mental and physical abuse have been severe. Agents during detention, including various types Charges War on God, and Mravdat connection with foreign circles, acting against national security, leadership disturbances and destruction of public property are attributed to him. The students recently because of severe physical condition with 50 million toman bail released from Evin prison to pay the treatment.

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