
Khatami: This confession is not valid Mehr News Agency: Following publication of the confessions of defendants in the events after the election court was told yesterday, the Office Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Khatami published material statement in court yesterday as he denied. The statement follows: during the political events after the election, unfortunately Bdakhlaqy unprecedented release of charges oriented society with the aim of destruction affecting characters are observed. The ungracious and destructive process in the days and weeks, including recent news and leasing rates and weakness in Mr. Khatami eats eyes and confessed during the trial and through the sites and site specific and Language and pen as some of those arrested has been arrested, including a speech yesterday that during the trial ongoing relationship with Mr. Khatami to individual «George Soros» is mentioned. BA said that this is in what circumstances she is without any credit. However, such claims are announced, and essentially free of false reality and timely matter is spread Bdakhlaqyha officials and unlawful acts and that the adverse effects it is before people realize the Islamic Republic to prevent hurts will act.

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