
Statistics also killed and detention in such obscurity daily reports in violation of a human Mojtaba Smynzhadkhbrgzary Hranaamar Kshthshdhgan still determined Nystkhbrgzary ILNA reported: «name list includes 69 people who killed in violence after the elections are the representative of Beheshti Mousavi is presented to Parliament. »statistic that more than twice the statistics announced by the government, and nearly statistics provided by a human advocate groups and other organizations. But replace the other hand police chief news media's reflected in some of the killed Shdhgan captured 69 tons of recent unrest in the detention Kahrizak denied and said: «I had not heard something similar.» Sardar Radan, one of the defendants to Kahrizak detention by some groups and strata of people is statistics, declared the "news sites" related to those who knew that "duty Marsazy" have. Radan because the implementation of "Social Security Plan" Tyrhyy memories of him are remaining in public, emphasizes: «We as the police should normally flow of this information and statistics on this subject we will follow up and results Ngrftym.» While the police or police in the past two months, so thousands of people and to testify, citing the published photos and films with people objecting to the worst funds may encounter and their case has Zrbvshtm. The images of police shooting people as the people there. But the other member of the Special Committee to review the situation of detainees during the recent visit this week announced the detention Frontispiece. He, «related to the detention of drug traffickers arrested in recent incidents where the maintenance Shdhgan Myshdhand.» Syasyvzyt prisoners of concern for many political prisoners arrested after the election still is not clear and they meet the minimum Hqvqshan ill with family and lawyer have denied. The same year the National Trust Amynzadh Mohsen's wife has said that «her about a month ago, the last contact with their home and have so far no meeting with the family is not.» Several of the families of political prisoners were members of parliament meet . In St.

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