
The Reason of Aghazadeh's Dismissal

IranPressNews.com /The Reason for Aghazadeh's Dismissal: his Attempt to Expose the Bribe of senior IAEA Officials. In an internal discussion held in the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) shortly after lran's presidential elections, AEOI chairman Aghazadeh spoke very scathingly. He said, "the president thinks that it is possible to bribe the entire Iranian nation as Iran has bribing very senior IAEA officials and their relatives in recent years." It was clear to the participants to the meeting, that Aghazadeh was referring specifically to IAEA director- general Mohamed El-Baradei. For years, there had been rumors in the IAEA behind the scenes that El-Baradei was taking steps that would be beneficial to Iran's nuclear tile. AEOI chairman did not specify the amount paid out in bribes but said that during El-Baradei's second term in office as IAEA director-general, Iran had paid tens of millions of USD in bribes. It is known that Aghazadeh was one of the highest echelon supporter of the reformist camp candidate Mousavi's Members of Aghazadeh's inner circle are of the opinion that recently, Aghazadeh had come up against President Ahmadinejad's regime because he was furious with the fraudulent activities and vote contracting in the recent election campaign and the betrayal he felt on the part of Iran‘s establishment.They understood that Aghazadeh support for Mousavi did not stem from any ideological background but was the result of a personal relationship between them from the time they worked together. They also knew Aghazadeh‘s loathing for President Ahmadinejad. The shocked participants reported Aghazadeh‘s statement to the president's bureau and added that Aghazadeh had also said that he had so far kept silent about the extensive corruption in Iran and the money wasted under the pretext that it was for the nuclear project, These included the disappearance of money from the Gas and Oil Fund that had allegedly been transferred to the nuclear project. Following his statements, Aghazadeh was summoned to the president‘s bureau and accused of not being patriotic enough and for acting against I1an‘s best interests. He was summarily dismissed (25 Jun.). A public announcement was given on July 16. The president said that he had lost his personal trust in Aghazadeh. Apparently, the lost of personal trust by President Ahmadinejad was also the reason for the recent dismissal of Iran's intelligence minister. jeopardize these ties must be avoided because Syria needed Iran's beneficial assistance. Therefore, only administrative and legal steps should be taken and violence must be avoided.However, the official added that there were inherent negative implications to the dissemination of the Shiya in Syria, and in radical Islamic activity in the country, as they might undermine the current regime's stability, crack the unity of the Alawite community, and pose a genuine threat to Syria's internal security. Therefore, it was important to act with the up-most caution. Syria's leadership, which up to recent years generally agreed to Shiyah dissemination activities, viewed its consent to these activities as part of its strategic relations with Iran. President Hafez Assad had even tried to help with these activities, probably in order to bring the Alawite community closer to the bosom of Islam. The Alawites received Shiite ratification only in the early 1970s, and are still considered by some Muslims as a heretic and impure minority. However, concern regarding the implications of the moves being made by Shiya elements in Syria is currently increasing. The steps the Syrian regime recently took against the Shiite activities are part of a wider campaign the regime has been conducting in recent years against radical Islamic elements, viewed by the regime as an increasing threat.

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