
Military government not announced in Mashhad site wave Freedom: Mashhad days similar case has been military rule and anti-riot police, security forces and plainclothes police and have highlighted the presence in the streets. The reports of the presence of very extensive and Qrq surrounding areas, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and the nation's parks and police and paramilitary presence in the streets of Imamat, Bahonar, Sajjad, advice, Ahmadabad, Palestine, Vakil Abad Blvd intersections and freedom, guidance, and Boulevard intersection Azadshahr have sent teacher. Reports also indicate that these forces and equipment to complete the hours of noon evident from the end of Children in the streets now and these areas Aberi hint Mydadhand. An eyewitness told the St. Sajjad, allowed officers to stop Nothing in Aberi Nmydadnd and even crossing over the three-person groups that were dispersed. Some witnesses also reported to indicate plainclothes people present in the park and Freedom Square, a number of ordinary people have been arrested. Total Bazdashtshdhha at least 20 tons have been reported.

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