
Sanctions regime gasoline sales; letter to Congress Shell The World News of government: two representatives of Congress during a letter to the Chairman of oil company Shell Anglysayn Bhayran gasoline sales because they threatened punishment. Brad Sherman and Don Burton during two representatives of Congress a letter to Chairman Simon and Art Shell Royal Dach asked these companies to stop all activities in Iran and any new investment in this country to refrain. Copy of these letters to the Commission and the stock exchange and the U.S. and British embassies in the Netherlands is one. In this letter reads: "As we know, President of the United States recently applied new sanctions Zdayran regarding the supply of oil products in the country has ratified. Shell already through its branch in the Middle East part of the requirements of gasoline provider. Continue such activities, the Shell will be subject to U.S. trade sanctions. "Sanctions, including the seizure of all assets of the company in U.S., ban access to American capital market, ban commercial transactions with the U.S. dollar and the prevention of public contracts in Oil and gas in the United States will be. In general, the Shell Company of any activity will be banned in the United States. U.S. House of Representatives last Thursday night with 308 votes against 114 votes in favor against a new law passed based on the companies that sell gasoline Bhayran contract for the supply of oil required for U.S. strategic reserves will be prohibited.

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