
White House: Tehran regime must be to stop nuclear activities AFP reports, the White House in Washington said today Tehran regime's nuclear activities must stop its illegal. Robert Gibbs, spokesman for the White House about this, "said Tehran regime must act to international requirements and to end its illicit nuclear activities. The American spokesman said, the only comment is a country, but q global society. This in meantime, the Islamic regime in Tehran a new package today evening the five member countries, plus in Tehran has provided. But beforehand that it stop sensitive nuclear program or its content. Large countries involved in conflict nuclear regime in Tehran two weeks in America in this case and applying sanctions will lobby harder. Guardian newspaper reported increases in sanctions against Tehran knew the inevitable. This newspaper story as "sunk in the mud nuclear talks, sanctions against the Tehran regime is likely", wrote after the International Atomic Energy Agency announced negotiation with the regime in Tehran is in deadlock and Ahmadinejad also nuclear talks the rejected, the other new round international sanctions against the Islamic Republic seems almost inevitable

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