
Rape scandal prisoners; Karroubi New Announcements Hratfaq responsibility for ill family Guar arrested with Mr. Mortazavi is / some judicial officials sought to remove the issue Hstndsham News: Judge Written Trailing words in different parts of the IRIB News that claims than was Mehdi Karroubi entered his office for issuing a statement to Awareness public explanation. Written Talydvshnbh night Bsh Judge Prosecutor thirteenth branch president of the government through the national media in his remarks about the meeting with Mr. Karroubi and some recent incidents of detainees spoke and claimed that the documents Mr. Karroubi about sexual harassment to be arrested has not been cited. In this context, the description of what occurred and provide a description of illumination are going public. 1 - Mr. Ghazi Written President thirteenth branch a few days before the newspaper newspapers اعتمادملی file was provided. File اعتمادملی, while his newspaper referred the complaints to another branch of the case was registered and all matters related to the branch اعتمادملی newspaper deals, but it seems so while the district branch closure plans and newspapers treated اعتمادملی file was not the newspaper اعتمادملی branch of the thirteenth president of the court comes first judges were sent to freely and without legal grounds to shut down .2 newspaper اعتمادملی - was such that Mr. Judge Written by Mr. Mortazavi to Mr. Karroubi was introduced and therefore the application was Mr. Mortazavi to review documentation Mehdi Karroubi about sexual abuse of detainees recent events to pay. But despite Afkarmvmy Awareness propensity to Mr. Karroubi described games that need to be expressed over the matter during its placed. As the news was released after the letters to Mr. Rafsanjani Karroubi about sexual abuse of detainees after recent events his letter from Mr. Hashemi Rafsanjani stayed ten days no answer, the letter from Mr. Karroubi released and was followed by Mr. Hashemi Rafsanjani to the letter referred to Mr. Hashemi Shahroudi is to consider. So Mr. Hojjat AS and Dari Najafabadi Brotherhood from the time Mr. Hashemi Shahroudi U.S. judiciary auditor

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