Mix the fourth trial Stalin Tehran Site radiant: Fourth meeting tomorrow morning maturity charges arrested in recent events of the Revolutionary Court Branch 15 will be held. Must be pointed out after a judge agreed Salavati moratorium request of some lawyers that Bazdashtshdgany Qra be tried was Wednesday last week, during the Revolutionary Court Branch 15 Fourth Hearing Atlayhay charges to prisoners recent events tomorrow (Tuesday) had been postponed. Saeed Hajjarian in court tomorrow Nmayshyzynb Hajjarian child Saeed Hajjarian, in an interview with Germany third of his father in the Persian month Shahrivar court announced. Gfthzynb Hajjarian to, although more than two months have passed since the arrest Saeed Hajjarian, his lawyer, doctor Riahi, successful not to meet with him and text him the case is seen. Zeinab Hajjarian said, is the lawyer representing Salahi to be responsible for the case. Zeinab Hajjarian added that the doctor or Riahi asked the court to take the show and speak not. Daughter Saeed Hajjarian also said the issue of whether the father has spoken and capable of verbal self-defense is not, is the other person to represent from the text produced by these people as his father quoted the defense and confession read
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