Plan review in the Supreme Council Mousavi detention regime security site flower: the Supreme National Security Council plan was proposed to Mir Hossein Mousavi and 10 other leaders of the reform front that some members of the Assembly among the clergy are to be detained, but due to severe consequences for the implementation of the opposition was Kvdtachyan. that support this plan, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad insisted his preparation and the Supreme National Security Council was presented Mir Hossein Mousavi and 10 other known perpetrators of protest and more emphasis has This may not be up to 11 people arrested, was not the end to the protests. In addition to the Mir Ali Akbar Mousavi Mohtashami-Pour, Mehdi Karroubi, Alvyry Mohsen, Mohammad Reza Khatami, Hashemi, one of the children and a few other people on this list are accessed. Seyed Mhmdkhatmy this list is seen and believed that the producers plan to name him international fame because of dire consequences will. When the plan in the Supreme National Security Council will discuss a number of opposition members are facing, because it comments consequences of their implementation of this plan will incontrollable the original system with the fall risk will be faced. Ahmadinejad and several other projects on to insist, but after the senior officials plan to inform the system reaches, they confirmed the comments of critics and the figurative point to emphasize is that the fall arrest system Mirhoseini be brought
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