
Paddle regime helpless against militant students Radio Germany: in recent days of pressure on university students has increased, but failed to calm students and universities. Student activists move "paddle tyranny" are considered. Academic year for University, as was predicted with the unrest began first, Tehran University, Sharif University and then some days Bdhm Universities. The unrest to protest the presence of some members of the government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the academic year in the occasion occurred. In the days after the student protests of the same motivation, to protest the presence and Javad Gholam Ali Haddad Adel, Larijani University continued. What the student protests of the first week in October to draw attention to observers is that students protest slogans rather than academic issues and student relationship is, more slogans and demands Mtrzan is a Persian date 22 Khordad election results. The protests in all public authorities and representatives of the rule with chants "Death to dictator", "state coup, resign resign" faced. Some of the government Aqdamhay player "confessed" Abdollah Momeni and also against the expected result of the government, leaving the universities. It seems such Rvhyhay among students, has provoked concern of government officials. Student activists say the reason that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander in mobilization activities in the Open University says is due to the concern. Jafari day last Friday (10 Oct.) Basij students said, "mobilize the student battlefield software, independence of action and not wait for upstream command authorities." Last Friday the military and security officers attacked a Tehran Council Tahkim 18 students arrested. Reports indicate that these students after hours of interrogation and threats were released, but the 2 tons of them were transferred to Evin prison. News According to some other students, use of large numbers of student residences has been canceled. These activities include some of the girls are living in the dormitory. Summoned to disciplinary committees and disadvantaged students also continue them. Student Resources

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