Mr. Shahroudi the head of the Islamic republic judiciary system gave one month to Behnoud to ask the victims family to pardon him . So, this way the Islamic Republic judiciary is trying to pardon itself from any envolvement in his death which is going to take place in a month. In fact it is the Islamic Republic judiciary system which must be aimed and blamed for this young man's death, if he goes on gallows .
Behnoud Shojaei was a teenager when he commited the crime in a street fight.Two days ago he wrote a letter to the mother of Ehsan ( Omid- the victim ) and asked her to forgive him. The letter was published in Etemad newspaper.
Please call and Fax through these numbers, and ask to stop sending this teenager to gallows .
Telephone: 0261-44110510261-4411050 Prison in "Rejaei Shahr" , The office of the judiciary power: 0098-21-3391-1109 , Fax : 0098-21- 4986-3390
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